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Obesity is associated with incident chronic kidney disease in individuals with normal renal function
Korean J Intern Med. 2024;39(5):813-822.   Published online August 13, 2024
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A retrospective study on the efficacy of Roxadustat in peritoneal dialysis patients with erythropoietin hyporesponsiveness
Korean J Intern Med. 2024;39(3):488-500.   Published online April 23, 2024
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Prognostic role of the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in patients with chronic kidney disease
Korean J Intern Med. 2023;38(5):725-733.   Published online August 17, 2023
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CTLA4-Ig protects tacrolimus-induced oxidative stress via inhibiting the AKT/FOXO3 signaling pathway in rats
Korean J Intern Med. 2023;38(3):393-405.   Published online April 28, 2023
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Therapeutic effect of multiple functional minicircle vector encoding anti-CD25/IL-10/CXCR3 in allograft rejection model
Korean J Intern Med. 2022;37(5):1031-1049.   Published online June 21, 2022
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Insufficient early renal recovery and progression to subsequent chronic kidney disease in living kidney donors
Korean J Intern Med. 2022;37(5):1021-1030.   Published online April 13, 2022
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Treatment of rituximab in patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy: a case series and literature review
Korean J Intern Med. 2022;37(4):830-840.   Published online April 15, 2022
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Low waist circumference prior to percutaneous coronary intervention predict the risk for end-stage renal disease: a nationwide Korean population based-cohort study
Korean J Intern Med. 2022;37(3):639-652.   Published online February 11, 2022
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The presence of simple renal cysts is associated with an increased risk of albuminuria in young adults
Korean J Intern Med. 2022;37(2):425-433.   Published online December 7, 2021
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Alleviation of renal ischemia/reperfusion injury by exosomes from induced pluripotent stem cell-derived mesenchymal stem cells
Korean J Intern Med. 2022;37(2):411-424.   Published online September 16, 2021
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Plasma oxalic acid and cardiovascular risk in end-stage renal disease patients: a prospective, observational cohort pilot study
Korean J Intern Med. 2022;37(1):167-178.   Published online June 25, 2021
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The optimal anti-phospholipase A2 receptor cutoff for the diagnosis of idiopathic membranous nephropathy: a single-center retrospective study
Korean J Intern Med. 2022;37(1):154-166.   Published online July 22, 2021
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Association between the progression of immunoglobulin A nephropathy and a controlled status of hypertension in the first year after diagnosis
Korean J Intern Med. 2022;37(1):146-153.   Published online April 8, 2021
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