Short-acting β2-agonist prescriptions in patients with asthma: findings from the South Korean cohort of SABINA III
Kwang-Ha Yoo, Sang-Ha Kim, Sang-Heon Kim, Ji-Yong Moon, Heung-Woo Park, Yoon-Seok Chang, Maarten J.H.I Beekman
Korean J Intern Med. 2024;39(1):123-136. Published online December 7, 2023
Background/Aims: Despite short-acting β2-agonist (SABA) overuse being associated with poor asthma outcomes, data on SABA use in South Korea is scarce. Herein, we describe prescription patterns of SABA and other asthma medications in patients from the South Korean cohort of the SABA use IN Asthma (SAB..