Comparative study of the efficacy and safety of Abexol (suspension versus tablets) in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms
Alfredo Hierro González, Julio César Fernández Travieso, Yoandy Hernández Casas, Susana Borges González, María de los Angeles Camacho Morales, Elena Ferrer Batallie, Anaisa Roja Carralera, Yenney Reyes Nuñez, Sarahi Mendoza Castaño, Maytee Robaina García, Diana Margarita Rey Kaba
Korean J Intern Med. 2024;39(1):57-67. Published online November 30, 2023
Background/Aims: Abexol is a mixture of primary aliphatic alcohols purified from beeswax (Apis mellifera), that produces anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and gastroprotective effects, as well as it is safe and well tolerated. To investigate and compare the efficacy and safety of Abexol (suspens..