Fibromyalgia is a disease of widespread musculoskeletal pain with various somatic symptoms [
2]. The absence of definite pathological findings makes the diagnosis of fibromyalgia difficult, and physicians should rule out all other potential diagnoses before confirming fibromyalgia. Central sensitization is the most emphasized pathological component of fibromyalgia, and fibromyalgia is characterized by nociplastic pain, which is resistant to traditional pain killers, e.g., non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or opioids. Certain drugs that modulate neurotransmitters, such as pregabalin, duloxetine, and milnacipran, are recommended for fibromyalgia treatment [
3]. Additionally, combining pharmacological therapy with cognitive behavioral therapy or exercise may help ameliorate symptoms of fibromyalgia [
3]. However, many fibromyalgia patients do not experience sufficient therapeutic effects [
4]. A better understanding of the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia is needed to help discover novel therapies for intractable fibromyalgia cases.
According to the revised definition of the International Association for the Study of Pain, the pain caused by fibromyalgia is classified as nociplastic pain (rather than nociceptive or neuropathic pain) [
5]. However, some studies have shown involvement of small nerve fiber damage in fibromyalgia patients [
8]. SUDOSCAN (Impeto Medical, Paris, France) is a non-invasive and rapid tool to evaluate sudomotor dysfunction and autonomic neuropathy by assessing thin unmyelinated C fibers of sweat glands [
9]. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is the most frequent complication of type I and II diabetes mellitus, which causes neuropathic pain. The detection of small fiber neuropathy (SFN) by SUDOSCAN can precede the abnormal findings revealed by nerve conduction study (NCS) and electromyography (EMG) in patients with diabetic peripheral neuropathy [
10]. Hyperalgesia and allodynia are common pain characteristics of fibromyalgia and can mimic, and thus be confused with, neuropathic pain. However, previous studies did not demonstrate a definite connection between NCS/EMG findings and fibromyalgia pain [
12]. Therefore, evaluating SFN (sudomotor dysfunction) by SUDOSCAN and determining whether SUDOSCAN findings have clinical importance in fibromyalgia patients may increase our knowledge on the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia.
In the present study, we assessed electrochemical skin conductance (ESC), cardiac autonomic neuropathy risk score (CAN-RS), NCS, and EMG in fibromyalgia patients and healthy controls (HCs). Additionally, we assessed variables associated with ESC (i.e., the severity of SFN) to determine the clinical significance of SFN in fibromyalgia patients.
In the present study, SFNs were more frequently observed in fibromyalgia patients than in HCs. ESC was significantly correlated with disease duration and serum serotonin levels in fibromyalgia patients. These findings suggest that SFN may be a causative factor of pain in fibromyalgia. Additionally, NCS showed that distal peripheral sensory neuropathy may precede proximal sensory or motor nerve neuropathy in fibromyalgia. This pattern is similar to that observed in diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
The pathogenesis of fibromyalgia is still not fully understood, and the symptoms of fibromyalgia are diverse and heterogenous among fibromyalgia patients [
20]. Wide-spread musculoskeletal pain is the major symptom of fibromyalgia [
21], and several pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments have shown therapeutic improvement in fibromyalgia patients [
3]. However, many fibromyalgia patients still do not achieve meaningful improvement after trying current treatments, which warrants the development of novel approaches [
21]. For this purpose, it is most important to understand the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia. The International Association for the Study of Pain has recently defined nociplastic pain as distinct from nociceptive and neuropathic pain, as many chronic pain syndromes (including fibromyalgia) cannot be explained in terms of the conventional concept of pain [
5]. Central sensitization, i.e., amplification of pain-related neural signaling within the central nervous system that induces pain hypersensitivity, is the most likely cause of pain in fibromyalgia, whereas neuropathic pain is not considered a definite pathological component of fibromyalgia [
22]. Targeting neurotransmitters of central nervous system pain signaling, such as serotonin by selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), has limited therapeutic effects in fibromyalgia. SSRIs did not reduce pain in 67.4% of fibromyalgia patients, and SNRIs resulted in only modest pain relief for which the standardized mean difference between SNRIs and placebo was only −0.23 [
Recently, some studies demonstrated the presence of SFN in fibromyalgia patients. Pickering et al. showed that ESC of the dominant hand was significantly lower in fibromyalgia patients than in HCs [
6]. Another study revealed that 20% of fibromyalgia patients had decreased ESC, and that these patients had higher central sensitization inventory/hospital anxiety and depression scale scores and needed more analgesics than fibromyalgia patients without SFN [
18]. In the present study, mESC was also significantly lower in fibromyalgia patients than in HCs, and definite SFN defined by mESC was more frequent in fibromyalgia patients than in HCs, in agreement with previous studies [
18]. Additionally, we showed discrepancies between NCS/EMG and SUDOSCAN findings. Fibromyalgia patients did not show distal sensory or motor neuropathy but did exhibit sudomotor dysfunction more frequently than HCs. This suggests that SFN may contribute to the pathophysiology of fibromyalgia and should be considered when managing fibromyalgia symptoms.
SFN occurs in the early stage of type II diabetes mellitus in patients with peripheral neuropathy, and SFN can already be detected even when NCS/EMG findings are normal [
19]. Skin punch biopsies together with microscopic quantification of epidermal sensory and autonomic nerve fiber densities around sweat glands are one of the most widely used objective tests for diagnosing SFN [
26]. However, these procedures are invasive and can induce complications. SUDOSCAN is a non-invasive, time-efficient (approximately 3 min), and convenient method for evaluating sudomotor function by measuring sweat gland reactions to low-voltage stimulation [
9]. ESC values obtained with SUDOSCAN showed fair predictive value for sweat gland nerve fiber density (area under curve = 0.73, sensitivity = 64%, specificity = 77%) [
27] and significant correlation with epidermal nerve fiber density (Rho = 0.73,
p < 0.001) and sweat gland nerve fiber density (Rho = 0.64,
p < 0.001) [
28]. These findings indicate that SUDOSCAN is a reliable alternative to skin punch biopsy.
SFN (A alpha and C fibers) differs from large fiber neuropathy (A delta fibers) in several aspects. The predominant symptoms of SFN are pain, paresthesia, autonomic signs, and temperature loss, whereas large fiber neuropathy causes a loss of vibration perception, position sense, and deep tendon reflexes [
29]. Several pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, such as mexiletine, recombinant human nerve growth factor, body vibration, pulse electromagnetic fields, stellate ganglion blockage, and dorsal root ganglion stimulation, have shown therapeutic potential for SFN [
30]. However, these therapies have not been validated for fibromyalgia with SFN. Future studies should assess the potential of these therapies for fibromyalgia. In the present study, disease duration of fibromyalgia was significantly correlated with mESC values of hands/feet, indicating that small fiber damage may occur with progression of fibromyalgia. Also, TCA responders showed more preserved SUDOSCAN findings (mESC), suggesting that SUDOSCAN might be a promising method for predicting treatment responses of fibromyalgia patients. Furthermore, distinguishing between fibromyalgia patients with and without SFN may enable precision medicine for fibromyalgia treatment.
NCS and EMG are the most widely used methods to detect peripheral sensory and motor neuropathy. One study showed that only 15% of fibromyalgia patients showed abnormal NCS findings, of which most comprised focal entrapment syndrome but not generalized polyneuropathy [
12]. Another study based on EMG demonstrated that pain was independent of motor nerve activity in fibromyalgia patients [
11]. This suggests that fibromyalgia pain is more similar to nociplastic than neuropathic pain [
31]. In the present study, NCS of proximal sensory nerves and EMG of motor nerves did not reveal significant differences between the fibromyalgia and HC groups, except for some values regarding sural/superficial peroneal/median/radial nerves. However, the NCS of distal sensory nerves, including MP, DS, and MDC nerves, showed consistently lower SNAP amplitudes in the fibromyalgia group than in the HCs (
Table 3). This is consistent with the SUDOSCAN results, which showed more severe sudomotor dysfunction in the fibromyalgia group. Altogether, these findings suggest that distal sensory neuropathy precedes proximal sensory and motor nerve neuropathy.
Furthermore, the present study measured serum levels of pain-related neurotransmitters and demonstrated a correlation between neurotransmitters and ESC for the first time. Serotonin and substance P are well-known neurotransmitters for nociception and central sensitization [
33]. Substance P is released from nociceptors and increases pain sensitivity [
34], whereas decreased serotonin levels are associated with several chronic pain disorders [
35]. Similar to other chronic pain disorders, fibromyalgia is characterized by increased substance P levels and decreased serotonin levels [
37]. Tryptophan is a precursor peptide for serotonin, and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1) is the key enzyme for tryptophan metabolism [
38]. IDO1 activity is increased in patients with chronic pain, and IDO1 upregulation increased the tryptophan-to-serotonin ratio in a rat model [
39]. Furthermore, IDO1 inhibitors reduced pain in an animal model [
40]. In the present study, serotonin levels and the tryptophan-to-serotonin ratio were significantly correlated with hands/feet mESC. Dumolard et al. [
18] evaluated ESC and the degree of central sensitization with a questionnaire (central sensitization inventory) and demonstrated that fibromyalgia patients with lower ESC had more severe scores. This study [
18] together with our current study sugest that central sensitization and SFN are associated with fibromyalgia, and that central sensitization markers (e.g., serotonin level) can also represent SFN markers, and
vice versa, in fibromyalgia patients.
There are some limitations in the present study. First, the sample size was relatively small. Recently, Dumolard et al. [
18] performed a SUDOSCAN study on 265 fibromyalgia patients but did not include HCs. Another study on SFN and fibromyalgia only used questionnaires, which is a more subjective approach than SUDOSCAN [
7]. The present study is the first study to evaluate both SFN and serum neurotransmitter levels in fibromyalgia patients. Another strength of the present study is that NCS/EMG was performed on the same day as SUDOSCAN, revealing that SFN can be present in fibromyalgia patients with normal NCS/EMG findings. Second, the design of the present study was cross-sectional and did not include follow-up data. Comparing the prognoses and clinical responses to treatment between fibromyalgia patients with or without SFN may enforce the clinical significance of SUDOSCAN results in fibromyalgia patients.
In conclusion, the present study showed that SFN and distal sensory neuropathy are often detectable in fibromyalgia patients, even in patients who do not have definite NCS/EMG abnormal findings in proximal sensory or motor nerves. In addition to central sensitization, SFN may represent another pathological component of fibromyalgia. Additionally, serum serotonin levels (which are usually decreased in fibromyalgia patients) were correlated with mESC. Abnormal findings of central sensitization (lower serotonin levels) may be associated with the occurrence of SFN in fibromyalgia patients, and evaluating serum serotonin levels may help discriminate fibromyalgia patients with a higher probability of SFN. Furthermore, SUDOCAN is a non-invasive method that could be used to predict the TCA treatment responses of fibromyalgia patients.