Original Articles
Clinical outcomes and pathological characteristics of immunoglobulin G4-related ophthalmic disease versus orbital inflammatory pseudotumor
- Hong Ki Min, Youn Soo Lee, Suk-Woo Yang, Jennifer Lee, Seung-Ki Kwok, Ji Hyeon Ju, Wan-Uk Kim, Sung-Hwan Park
- Korean J Intern Med. 2019;34(1):220-226.
Infectious diseases
Predictors and clinical outcomes of persistent methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia: a prospective observational study
- Hea Sung Ok, Hyoun Soo Lee, Man Je Park, Ki Hoon Kim, Byeong Ki Kim, Yu Mi Wi, June Myung Kim
- Korean J Intern Med. 2013;28(6):678-686.
Case Reports
Systemic Mononuclear Inflammatory Vasculopathy Associated with Sjogren`s Syndrome in a Patientwith Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
- Jun Ki Min, Kyung Soo Park, Won Jong Yu, Youn Soo Lee, Sung Min Park, Sung Hwan Park, Chul Soo Cho, Ho Youn Kim
- Korean J Intern Med. 2000;15(1):89-92.
Hyperimmunoglobulin E - Recurrent Infection Syndrome In A Patient With Juvenile Dermatomyositis
- Jun Ki Min, Mi La Cho, Seok Chan Kim, Youn Soo Lee, Sang Heon Lee, Sung Hwan Park, Yeon Sik Hong, Chul Soo Cho, Ho Youn Kim
- Korean J Intern Med. 1999;14(1):95-98.