Case Reports
A Case of Nonsecretory Multiple Myeloma with Atypical Imaging Features
- Hwa Yeon Lee, Seung Min Yoo, In Sup Song, Hyeon Yu, Jong Beum Lee, Jong Wook Shin, In Won Park
- Korean J Intern Med. 2006;21(3):202-205.
Original Articles
Prognostic Value of AML1/ETO Fusion Transcripts in Patients with Acute Myelogenous Leukemia
- Eun Kyung Cho, Soo Mee Bang, Jeong Yeal Ahn, Seung Min Yoo, Pil Whan Park, Yieh Hea Seo, Dong Bok Shin, Jae Hoon Lee
- Korean J Intern Med. 2003;18(1):13-20.