Letters to the editor
Prosthetic knee joint infection due to Listeria monocytogenes bacteremia in a diabetic female
- Yun Seo, Yong-sun Noh, Seong-Heon Wie, U-Im Chang
- Korean J Intern Med. 2016;31(3):616-619.
Original Articles
Infectious diseases
Use of cefuroxime for women with community-onset acute pyelonephritis caused by cefuroxime-susceptible or -resistant Escherichia coli
- U-Im Chang, Hyung Wook Kim, Seong-Heon Wie
- Korean J Intern Med. 2016;31(1):145-155.
Intrathoracic kidney with left-sided Bochdalek hernia in a woman with bacteremic acute pyelonephritis due to Escherichia coli
- Yong-sun Noh, Yeonguk Kim, Yun Seo, Seong-Heon Wie, U-Im Chang
- Korean J Intern Med. 2015;30(3):421-421.
Original Articles
Infectious diseases
A comparison of the clinical characteristics of elderly and non-elderly women with community-onset, non-obstructive acute pyelonephritis
- U-Im Chang, Hyung Wook Kim, Yong-sun Noh, Seong-Heon Wie
- Korean J Intern Med. 2015;30(3):372-383.
Images of interest
Intrathoracic kidney with left-sided Bochdalek hernia in a woman with bacteremic acute pyelonephritis due to Escherichia coli
- Yong-sun Noh, Yeonguk Kim, Yun Seo, Seong-Heon Wie, U-Im Chang
- Korean J Intern Med. 2015;30(2):267-268.
Clinical significance of Providencia bacteremia or bacteriuria
- Seong-Heon Wie
- Korean J Intern Med. 2015;30(2):167-169.
Guideline on the prevention and control of seasonal influenza in healthcare setting
- Ji Hyeon Baek, Yu Bin Seo, Won Suk Choi, Sae Yoon Kee, Hye Won Jeong, Hee Young Lee, Byung Wook Eun, Eun Ju Choo, Jacob Lee, Sung Ran Kim, Young Keun Kim, Joon Young Song, Seong-Heon Wie, Jin-Soo Lee, Hee Jin Cheong, Woo Joo Kim, Transgovernmental Enterprise for Pandemic Influenza in Korea
- Korean J Intern Med. 2014;29(2):265-280.
Severe influenza treatment guideline
- Won Suk Choi, Ji Hyeon Baek, Yu Bin Seo, Sae Yoon Kee, Hye Won Jeong, Hee Young Lee, Byung Wook Eun, Eun Ju Choo, Jacob Lee, Young Keun Kim, Joon Young Song, Seong-Heon Wie, Jin Soo Lee, Hee Jin Cheong, Woo Joo Kim
- Korean J Intern Med. 2014;29(1):132-147.
Case Reports
Acute Respiratory Failure Associated with Cryptococcal Pneumonia and Disseminated Cryptococcosis in an AIDS Patient
- Kyoung-Hwan Lee, U-Im Chang, Hyung-Wook Kim, Guilsun Kim, Sung Kyoung Kim, Jinyoung Yoo, Seong-Heon Wie
- Korean J Intern Med. 2006;21(1):39-42.